Parlor Talk: Nailing The Big Interview

katleho Seisa

It's the night before the big day, you have your clothes ironed and ready to go, making sure your tie is just the right length. You have rehearsed answering questions extensively in the mirror. It's the night before your interview for a new position. We’ve all been there and while it can be stressful for some, the art of nailing the big interview is a skill that anyone can refine and perfect. This column will provide you with all the information you need to know in order to make that perfect first impression.

Before the big day, you are going to want to research the company and position you are applying for to the best of your abilities. You should know the job description like the back of your hand and know all of the skills and talents they are looking for. Go the extra mile and research the actual company thoroughly, knowing the company history and mission statement. Be aware of the competitors in the field and what sets your company apart. 

Practice answering questions and selling yourself. 

Ask a friend or family member to help if you wish, you are going to want to go over the classic interview questions. Make sure you are on top of everything and that your answers are thoughtful and concise. No hiring manager wants to hear a bare minimum answer, but they also don't want to hear rambling. Sell yourself clearly and concisely. Know yourself and your own goals clearly in order to be ready to answer those questions. Questions like “Why should we hire you?” or “Tell me about yourself” are meant to give you the opportunity to sell yourself in the best possible light. So practice selling yourself in the best way possible, not just reading out your resume but actually highlighting your achievements and journey. This could be through a short story of you solving a problem on the job and how you overcame it or the overall passion that drove you to pursue this position.

Prepare questions and make sure you are mentally ready for the challenge. 

Near the end of the interview, you will be asked if you have any questions for the interviewer, make sure you do. Ask more in-depth about your role, ask about the company's future and how you can play a role in shaping it, whatever it is just make sure you ask. Having an interview can bring up some stress and anxiety but be sure to remind yourself that you applied for a reason, you have all the necessary qualifications and skills needed. The interview is just the first step to this new career. Use that bit of stress as a driver to push you to do your best. Make sure you get adequate sleep the night before, so you show up well-rested and ready to go. Leave no doubt in your mind that you prepared in every way.  

On the day of making sure you show up early. At least 10 to 15 minutes before is a good time to shoot for. This extra time gives you a bit of time to breathe and see what your potential new job can feel like. Make sure your clothes make that good first impression by double-checking yourself in the bathroom mirror, making sure there aren't any stains, pet hair or loose threads. Shine your shoes and have a nice fitting belt and tie. Be confident in yourself and display good body language, standing straight, maintaining a good level of eye contact, and being in tune with the questions being asked. Be authentic and treat everyone in the building with respect.  

Right after completing the interview, be thankful for the opportunity and shake hands firmly. Ask about the next steps and maintain contact with the interviewer. Follow-up emails and correspondence are key. Seek answers to your questions and don’t be afraid to ask. The next steps could be an additional interview, assignments, more paperwork, and other additional requirements. Make sure you are on top of those emails and respond timely and accurately. If you do get that job offer, great news, enjoy the new position, and celebrate. If you do not reach out to the hiring manager and stay in touch and ask for ways to improve yourself, you never know when an additional opening may open up, so it is important to keep the connection open. 

Before the big interview make sure to research the position, the company, and its mission. Doing so gives you more information about the job description and can give you the opportunity to ask more in-depth questions about the company and your role. Practice answering questions with friends or family and be prepared to sell yourself in the best way possible. Go over your own journey in a clear and concise way selling your mission and passion to the best of your abilities. Prepare questions to be asked upon completion of the interview process and make sure you are mentally prepared for it. Be confident in yourself and display strong body language. On the big day make sure you show up early and look your best. Look good, feel good is definitely applicable in this situation, so have your best attire ready. Right after the interview, express gratitude and keep in touch. Ask for the next steps in the process and no matter which way it might go, keep the connection open and always be ready to nail the next big interview. 


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