Parlor Talk: How To Keep In Touch

The Good Brigade

“Maybe some other time.”  “I've just been so busy with work, I can’t.” These are probably common sayings for most people due to their careers and differences of schedule, but quality time with friends can be just as important for your happiness as maintaining a career is for your life. This article will give tips on how to stay in touch with friends.

The first step simple enough is just to reach out. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking it’s been too long, this will only delay you reaching out even further and will make it harder to do in the future, so reach out today. One of the biggest reasons keeping people apart is that first message, it really won’t be too ‘awkward’ or too out of left field, so don’t have those perceptions. Send that first message and get the ball rolling, this is the only way to do so. If you stay complacent, those long-term friendships will only wither away with time leaving you out of the loop.  

Everyone is busy and maintaining friendships will only get harder with all that life might throw your way. Sometimes sacrifices will have to be made in order for you to get ahead in your career field, but it is always so important to keep a balance. The people with the least amount of stress are those who have good friends and a good support system to fall back on the days where it gets tough. Although with the presence of social media sites today, it is easier than ever to send a quick message to see how they are doing. Whether it be Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, all of these apps have a direct messaging feature that you can utilize to re-connect. It should be a simple process.

Make social media work for you, break the ice by sending a meme or anything else that might catch their attention. For the better or worse, a majority of people are on their phones a big chunk of their day, so reaching out to them via social media is your best bet in getting a response these days. Just this virtual connection and conversations help to keep in touch. The extra advantage is the convenience of it being virtual, you can be in a different country, in separate time zones and still keep the connection alive. 

Whereas before these connections could get lost to a busy work life. Virtual connections can be just as valuable if not possible to arrange an in-person meeting. Phone calls, video chats and even online gaming can help you stay connected. While not as preferable as an in-person meeting, being online gives you more opportunities to connect and keep in touch. They can be quick chats that won't be time consuming or time wasting. Just set aside at least thirty minutes to quickly catch up and the time will fly by and be enjoyable. 

A good thing to keep in mind when reaching out, is that it is a two-sided conversation. If they aren't responding or being receptive to the messaging, it's not a slight on you. The ball is in their court at that point, and you shouldn't really stress if nothing happens, you made an earnest attempt and them not wanting to keep in touch is on them at that point. You can’t control what other people may do, so you really shouldn't worry about what they end up doing.

Besides social media and virtual connections, make special occasions your go to for reaching out. Birthdays, holidays, and celebrations are golden opportunities to catch up and stay in touch with friends and family. Plus the odds of you both being free are a lot higher on these days, so when any holiday is around the corner, reach out and ask for their plans. 

Another great option is to join in some activities and hobbies together. Play in an intramural sport or gaming league, go to the gym together, or go hiking on the weekends together in a big group. These are all great options and ways, and the possibilities are endless. Having group activities together in a way forces you to stay in touch due to the weekly time slot and obligation to show up.

Let's say none of these options look feasible. That's why it is important to remain flexible. Take a lunch break together, try carpooling or any impromptu meeting that would fit both schedules. Be creative and try your best at coming up with a solution. It can be anything as long as both parties are willing to put in the effort to follow through.

The truth is there will be people who won't put in the effort to keep the friendship alive, it's just a harsh truth to swallow but try not to be so hard on yourself. Know when to move on and take the experience as a learning one. This also can give you an opportunity to open up and meet new friends and be more well-rounded and connected.

The first step in keeping in touch is to reach out. Reach out via social media and get the ball rolling from there. Utilize the internet to keep in touch via video chats or online gaming. Use big celebrations and holidays as opportunities to meet up. Try doing weekly or bi-weekly activities together, they can be made through an organization hosted by someone else or organized by you. Be flexible and creative to set up a meeting, and if none of these work or the other party is no longer interested, know when to move on.  


Meat Of It All: Duck


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