Parlor Talk: Friend Archetypes


Throughout our lives, we will meet and make new connections with other men. In time, some of these connections could potentially turn into a friendship. This column will guide you on what different archetypes of friends you may have in your circle, the good ones and the bad, while also providing you a guide on how to negotiate the usefulness of each friend.   


The Workaholic: The first type of friend you may encounter in the professional world is the workaholic. The type of man who keeps his work phone close to him even on vacation, the type of man who lives through his job. As a work friend, this man is a great asset and will help push you to reach your goals, but outside of work, unless you are also a workaholic, you may find it hard to relate to him as a friend. Keep this kind of man close to you in your work life and a possible friend outside of work as well. 

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The Partier: On the other hand, the partier is the type of man who you will meet in your time outside of work. He is just like a workaholic, but his obsession is with partying. He's the type of man who is always the life of the party, the one who always makes plans for the weekend. This friendship can prove to be a very fruitful one if you keep your guard up for the long run. Having fun is important, but for a successful man, you will also need to maintain balance. Keep that in mind when befriending a partier.

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The Gym Rat: This type of man practically lives in the gym. They are constantly working out and optimizing their diets for the best results. These men have clear goals and work hard to reach them. A friendship with one will garner new opportunities and might get you in the best shape of your life. These types of friends you want to keep around you for lifelong health. 


The Grinder: This man is solely about growth and progress in their career and life. They are the type of men to have big money in cryptocurrency and new tech stocks. They are always looking for the next big thing and are usually the leaders in their workplaces and friendships. These men can push you to reach new heights in your stock portfolio and investments. Proceed with caution when it comes to becoming investment partners with these people. Make sure you know what you want with these friendships if you want to be friends with them or business associates. Make the choice wisely to avoid getting taken advantage of.


The Gambler: Always checking for the score on the game no matter what, this man is the type to risk it all for the thrill. This type of man can talk for hours on his poker hand that he played the night before. He will always be asking for the next poker night. The gambler would be better to avoid if you can, solely due to the fact that they may be asking for loans as if you were their personal bank. Befriend with caution.


The Handyman: The type of man to be constantly working on their cars, fixing their showerhead, and installing new locks to their doors. The handyman has always been and will always be the best type of friend to have around. He still gets his hands dirty and does things the right way. A friendship with a handyman will pay dividends in your own knowledge and in your household. The handyman is loyal and is a great man to be around, they are a friend you want to have.


The Playboy: This type of man will always be the one to give you dating advice, despite the fact that they don’t date themselves. The playboys you can find at any social gatherings in your city are funny social men. A friendship with a playboy will most likely have you becoming one yourself, so if that's something you desire to be then go for it, if not it'd be better to keep these types of friends at a distance.

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The Artist: Constantly typing on their keyboards, this man is creative in the group. He will present you with different ideas and might have you embracing your creativity too. While some may call the artist lazy, you know for a fact he’s not: he is continually writing, drawing, and editing their pieces when the inspiration strikes. A friendship with an artist can gain you new skills and have you tapping into the creative side as well.

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The Jerk: The Jerk you are going to want to avoid at all costs. The Jerk is the type of guy who will take advantage of anyone they deem less than them, so don't fall for the tricks. This is the type of guy to call for the manager and make a scene when they get their food order wrong or make rude catcalls to the pretty girls at the other end of the bar and won’t take ‘no’ for an answer. Once you notice this type of behavior, stop being friends. 

Navigating friendships as a man shouldn't be hard, as long as you have the right people around you. Make sure to have an artist, a handyman, and a gym rat in your corner. Exercise caution when befriending grinders, gamblers, partiers, and playboys. Have a workaholic in your circle to keep you going. Always avoid jerks so as to not waste your own time and drain yourself. Besides them, befriend any type of these men and see what mix works best for you.


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